
Behind the scenes : discover the video game professions

By the Illogika Team

April 24 2020

It is with pleasure we participated in the superb initiative of our partner which is currently producing a series of videos entitled "Artisan.e.e du jeu vidéo" (Video game craftspeople) aiming to present the various video game job occupations, bringing to light men and women who work in this industry, in studios of all sizes.

At iLLOGIKA, it's Loic Cayuela, our Tech Art Director and member of our team for ten years who was willing to participate in the exercise. He explained:" I was very happy to participate in this initiative, to talk about my bob, my career and everyday life at iLLOGIKA. It was a real opportunity to communicate on my work and make it discover to a greater audience because the video game jobs are indeed little represented and often crammed with clichés:-) I guess my friends and family have finally understood what I am doing in my job thanks to this video!".

Hope this inspires some of you!


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